Lun. 20 Avr. 2015, 14:08
3 Beach lamer Max (sans menace) |
0 | ||
(Lun. 20 Avr. 2015, 14:03)Explo83 a écrit : J'ai trouvé la lampe ultime :
pas mal comme modèle, surtout pour le matériau. Curieusement, quand on fait une recherche google sur cette marque, on trouve quasiment que des modèles en métal. Après une recherche plus poussée, je suis tombé sur ce texte...
Citation :If you are new to collecting mining artifacts and / or carbide lamps, sooner or later you will come accross a plastic Justrite lamp. These lamps were the very last lamps that the illustrious Justrite Manufacturing Co. produced in the late 1970's. This lamp was never used in actual mining. DO NOT purchase these lamps. There is only one reason and that is you have every other carbide lamp made in your posession (highly unlikely) and you need one to complete your collection. These lamps literally melted and bursted into flame when used. Plastic, calcium carbide, and water make a messy situation and a glob of grey plastic. These lamps may be listed under their model number of 3300 series (3300,3301,3302, etc) Save your money and buy a nice brass or nickel plated lamp.
après peut-être qu'il bluffe hein. Et pour le savoir, un seul moyen...
Et demain on reviendra te couper ton zézette