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besoin d'un guide (english speaking)
You should be very careful if someone seriously propose to guide you, that may be a trap.
(Mer. 30 Sep 2020, 14:08)Mimas a écrit : I'm just genuinely really interested in what's down there and I was hoping someone would be able to join me since I think it would be disrespectful for me to go walking around somewhere sacred like this alone.

Quite the contrary. It doesn't belong to anyone, so feel free to go and explore by yourself.

(Mer. 30 Sep 2020, 14:08)Mimas a écrit : I just want to experience the lesser known part of the catacombs history, since you are all the experts I thought it best to ask here.

Imagine I'm really interested in seeing an OR from the inside. Do you reckon I could just register on a surgeons' discussion board and offer them 20 quid to be allowed to watch while they perform open heart surgery? Could you conceive that I'd be receiving rather unimpressed answers to such query?

What you haven't thought through is that as a foreign element, you'd be perceived as an intruder, a nuisance, dead weight one has to carry around for no good reason. Other than you wanting to see the place.

See, I'd love to have a Porsche. I've asked millionnaires to gift me one, but they refused. Because they didn't see what was in it for them.

And that, young fellow, is about the situation you're in. You're telling us what you want so dearly, but you haven't bothered doing your homework and researching what levers to pull to get a fighting chance of getting a positive answer. With that much known about your attitude, why on earth would we want to drag along someone who is primarily self-centered and too lazy to care? Rite, the mullah. Coz you'd be willing to sweeten the deal. Sorry to disappoint:

(Mer. 30 Sep 2020, 14:08)Mimas a écrit : I didn't mean to come off as if you're a touristic agency. I'm also happy to pay for your time as you will be guiding and I don't expect you to do that for free

In my line of work, a freelancer's going rate is around 700€ per day (i.e. 6 hours).

But as you say, we're not tour guides, indeed. Being under alone and being left alone are invaluable. And precisely because of that, any asking price will be more than what is customary in the industry. Consequently, it is unlikely that you'd have the kind of money that would make up for the burden of having a teenager tag along and have their mouths work non-stop to express overly eager comments, only second to a constant flow of questions we've heard a thousand times.
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(Jeu. 01 Oct. 2020, 12:02)Georges V a écrit : Quite the contrary. It doesn't belong to anyone, so feel free to go and explore by yourself.

Imagine I'm really interested in seeing an OR from the inside. Do you reckon I could just register on a surgeons' discussion board and offer them 20 quid to be allowed to watch while they perform open heart surgery? Could you conceive that I'd be receiving rather unimpressed answers to such query?

What you haven't thought through is that as a foreign element, you'd be perceived as an intruder, a nuisance, dead weight one has to carry around for no good reason. Other than you wanting to see the place.

See, I'd love to have a Porsche. I've asked millionnaires to gift me one, but they refused. Because they didn't see what was in it for them.

And that, young fellow, is about the situation you're in. You're telling us what you want so dearly, but you haven't bothered doing your homework and researching what levers to pull to get a fighting chance of getting a positive answer. With that much known about your attitude, why on earth would we want to drag along someone who is primarily self-centered and too lazy to care? Rite, the mullah. Coz you'd be willing to sweeten the deal. Sorry to disappoint:

In my line of work, a freelancer's going rate is around 700€ per day (i.e. 6 hours).

But as you say, we're not tour guides, indeed. Being under alone and being left alone are invaluable. And precisely because of that, any asking price will be more than what is customary in the industry. Consequently, it is unlikely that you'd have the kind of money that would make up for the burden of having a teenager tag along and have their mouths work non-stop to express overly eager comments, only second to a constant flow of questions we've heard a thousand times.

Thank you very much for your honest response. I understand I'm being perceived as an intruder or a nuisance. I don't mean to be I'm just new here like many of you once were. I don't mean to come across as self-centred and I'm sorry if I have done. I also apologise if offering money was disrespectful. As I said I'm new here and as you said I don't know what levers to pull. I'm here as a learner, student and I'm trying to be as respectful as possible. I'm not only interested in the catacombs but also all of you, the Cataphiles who explore it. I'm just asking to tag along with your next venture into the catacombs. I am young, and I am very sociable, I'm a peoples person and I think life is about the experiences you have with other people. This is why I'm asking to join you so I can learn. I am very eager but if you enjoy your journeys through the catacombs in silence then I will remain silent. I would simply be tagging along. I won't slow you down or cause any problems you have my word. Also thank you tieum for warning me of traps. I have taken this into consideration, I'm a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai practitioner and I am confident in my ability to defend myself and my friends against such things. thank you for your responses 
(Jeu. 01 Oct. 2020, 13:23)gump kta a écrit :
neither martial arts are Chinese but still funny
(Jeu. 01 Oct. 2020, 12:37)Mimas a écrit : I'm a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai practitioner and I am confident in my ability to defend myself and my friends against such things. thank you for your responses 

No, no, Ju-Jistsu is useless. It's a labyrinthe. Some bring the tourists in catacumbas and abandon them. Some can be "chapado" (não sei palavra em ingles, mas se você é brasileiro, você entende isso), and lost theyselves, with theirs touristes, or are very crazy and burn the plans.

Exemple : https://www.ouest-france.fr/ile-de-franc...es-5061075

There are also wells, where you can fall. The rock can fall on you...etc.

Dizemos isso pra você. Entende ?

Boa sorte.
A force d'accuser les autres de trolls, vous finissez par en créer des vrais.
Sup dude,

Do not pay for anyone, and if someone give you a private message asking for your money to be your guide, give us his or her name in this thread.

If there's something sacred about our passion is that money doesn't have a place down below.

The most satisfying thing about our passion is that all the answers are not online.

But there are enough clues if you look by yourself through common google researches, youtube videos on how to explore them by yourself.

You got to deserve to go down, it means that it's open for anyone who make enough effort by themselves to discover them.

(Finding a reliable map, checking manholes, google map for entrances etc..)..

Just make sure you are properly equipped
(wadder boots if you are affraid of getting wet, 2 source of lights, trash bags, candles, food and drink to share, your ID in case you get caught by police)

And also learn as much as you can about the customs and the culture down there, if you ask too much questions, or run your mouth too much you'll quickly get a taste of smoke bomb as a welcome gift. (some people hate new commers and there's a gate keeping culture in which we partake for obvious reasons)

Moreover do not share, nor take pictures or videos of entrances and take back your trashes.

Good luck
(Jeu. 01 Oct. 2020, 14:35)SWAN a écrit : Sup dude,

Do not pay for anyone, and if someone give you a private message asking for your money to be your guide, give us his or her name in this thread.

If there's something sacred about our passion is that money doesn't have a place down below.

The most satisfying thing about our passion is that all the answers are not online.

But there are enough clues if you look by yourself through common google researches, youtube videos on how to explore them by yourself.

You got to deserve to go down, it means that it's open for anyone who make enough effort by themselves to discover them.

(Finding a reliable map, checking manholes, google map for entrances etc..)..

Just make sure you are properly equipped
(wadder boots if you are affraid of getting wet, 2 source of lights, trash bags, candles, food and drink to share, your ID in case you get caught by police)

And also learn as much as you can about the customs and the culture down there, if you ask too much questions, or run your mouth too much you'll quickly get a taste of smoke bomb as a welcome gift. (some people hate new commers and there's a gate keeping culture in which we partake for obvious reasons)

Moreover do not share, nor take pictures or videos of entrances and take back your trashes.

Good luck
Thank you very much. I don't think I will find a guide so I'll follow your instructions and research, learn, memorise the catacombs over the next few months and guide my friends through
(Jeu. 01 Oct. 2020, 14:44)Mimas a écrit :
(Jeu. 01 Oct. 2020, 14:35)SWAN a écrit : Sup dude,

Do not pay for anyone, and if someone give you a private message asking for your money to be your guide, give us his or her name in this thread.

If there's something sacred about our passion is that money doesn't have a place down below.

The most satisfying thing about our passion is that all the answers are not online.

But there are enough clues if you look by yourself through common google researches, youtube videos on how to explore them by yourself.

You got to deserve to go down, it means that it's open for anyone who make enough effort by themselves to discover them.

(Finding a reliable map, checking manholes, google map for entrances etc..)..

Just make sure you are properly equipped
(wadder boots if you are affraid of getting wet, 2 source of lights, trash bags, candles, food and drink to share, your ID in case you get caught by police)

And also learn as much as you can about the customs and the culture down there, if you ask too much questions, or run your mouth too much you'll quickly get a taste of smoke bomb as a welcome gift. (some people hate new commers and there's a gate keeping culture in which we partake for obvious reasons)

Moreover do not share, nor take pictures or videos of entrances and take back your trashes.

Good luck
Thank you very much. I don't think I will find a guide so I'll follow your instructions and research, learn, memorise the catacombs over the next few months and guide my friends through
[Image: 1601560523-tistheway.jpg]
[Image: giphy.gif]

J'ai jamais compris pourquoi vous déblatérez à chaque fois.
Faites le test d'une annonce bidon, vous verrez que quelque-soit la langue, ce type de post a un succès 100% assuré en MP.
C'est d'ailleurs pour ça que ça continue d'arriver. Certains même disent "on m'a conseillé de poster ici". C'est pas que du troll.
Capitaine Caverne
(Ven. 02 Oct. 2020, 11:01)TiPi a écrit : [Image: giphy.gif]

J'ai jamais compris pourquoi vous déblatérez à chaque fois.
Faites le test d'une annonce bidon, vous verrez que quelque-soit la langue, ce type de post a un succès 100% assuré en MP.
C'est d'ailleurs pour ça que ça continue d'arriver. Certains même disent "on m'a conseillé de poster ici". C'est pas que du troll.

Azy balance les noms, on veut savoir qui fait la p.....le guide pour qui le demande.
M'oblige pas à créer un profil bidon pour faire une demande de guide, steplé....
-- Asociale à mi-temps, relou tout le temps -- \m/
(Ven. 02 Oct. 2020, 11:51)Beach a écrit : Azy balance les noms, on veut savoir qui fait la p.....le guide pour qui le demande.

Je plaide coupable, messieurs et mesdames les jurés.
Citation :J'ai jamais compris pourquoi vous déblatérez à chaque fois.

C'est qu'on a une réputation de ckonards à défendre...
Attention, il m'arrive fréquemment de dire des conneries. Mais heureusement je suis capable de le reconnaître !
J'ai jamais été trop fan de délation même si c'est une tradition française.
Pour rester pragmatique, considérant le nombre de sujets ouverts par jour d'une part (peu) et le nombre de bien-pensants qui parcourent le-dit forum par jour (beaucoup), pourquoi ne pas contraindre chaque ouverture de sujet à validation manuelle? Au moins cela donnerait moins de visibilité à cette place de marché, certes moins de blabla répétitif aussi. Mais après tout si le but est de limiter les activités tarifées cela irait, je le pense, dans le bon sens.

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