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Moscow->Paris Underground exploration
saintloup a écrit :Life is unfair ! When I think to list of guys who wanted to find a guide for Paris underground, and who only find sarcasms...
And you come, some pictures and a good face : I'm sure you could make your choice Smile Scrambles

a bear dies in the woods each time an explorer stops being sarcastic.
anyway, on that UER.CA forum there are lots of users with the "proud to be gay or have gay friends" flag. the male foreign explorers will have luck in finding company eventually.

Speleojuanito a écrit :mmh, my guess is that it won't be to hard for you to find a bunch of guys eager to guide you in dark and lonely places...

sex before marriage leads to painfull eternal exploration in hell in the afterlife, beware!! i don't want to be responsible for any corrupted souls.

Speleojuanito a écrit :Oh, and I speak a bit of russian, by the way :mrgreen:
Matroshka vodka balalayka?

Messages dans ce sujet
Moscow->Paris Underground exploration - par whatever - Dim. 25 Sep 2011, 22:13
Re: Moscow->Paris Underground exploration - par Lyyyra - Dim. 25 Sep 2011, 22:18
Re: Moscow->Paris Underground exploration - par E-ver - Dim. 25 Sep 2011, 23:40
Re: Moscow->Paris Underground exploration - par whatever - Lun. 26 Sep 2011, 11:19
Re: Moscow->Paris Underground exploration - par Sorce - Lun. 26 Sep 2011, 12:12
Re: Moscow->Paris Underground exploration - par Bhv - Lun. 26 Sep 2011, 13:13
Re: Moscow->Paris Underground exploration - par Sorce - Lun. 26 Sep 2011, 13:32
Re: Moscow->Paris Underground exploration - par moize - Lun. 26 Sep 2011, 14:55
Re: Moscow->Paris Underground exploration - par Bhv - Lun. 26 Sep 2011, 15:00
Re: Moscow->Paris Underground exploration - par Sorce - Lun. 26 Sep 2011, 15:31
Re: Moscow->Paris Underground exploration - par Sonar - Lun. 26 Sep 2011, 19:18
Re: Moscow->Paris Underground exploration - par vt - Ven. 06 Jan. 2012, 17:00
Re: Moscow->Paris Underground exploration - par saintloup - Ven. 06 Jan. 2012, 17:03
Re: Moscow->Paris Underground exploration - par lamer - Ven. 06 Jan. 2012, 17:07

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