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Teuf ce soir à  la Plage, avec Paris Dernière
En tout cas elle traine à  de nombreux endroits sur la toile...
Voila le genre de réaction qu'on peut voir d'ailleurs ... désolé c'est en anglais
Je laisse à  chacun se faire son propre avis...
Sachez juste que ce truc est potentiellement lu par 4000 personnes...

Hello everybody!
Ok, it seems that the debate is getting passionated.

Actually, i went 4 times in this kind of party, and except for 'fumigène' (= some smart people burn a stuff to smoke out the party, very funny!!), we only had very good experiences : brass bands, klezmer bands, didgeridoo, theater, etc..

The dangerous side of this event is in the name : it's a party in the CATACUMBS! How many people will renunce to come by reading the title? A lot. A lot of my friends never came underground.
For your questions: people take responsibility for themselves, i just do advertise the people who would be happy to discover catacumbs, that tonight is a good occasion. I do not organise it, i just let people know about it.
Anyway, i'm not agressive, or at least less agressive than someone writing 'good idea [...] thx for being in charge (in case of trouble, ndlr)'

To conclude:
- it's a funny party, while malicious people don't come to destroy this friendly moment.
- It can be dangerous, but you take your responsibility (anyone, while searching half an hour on google, can find more informations about catacumbs than the message i forwarded).
- I love CS community because people on it are open, friendly, and from everywhere in the world, and i am happy to share this information with the community...
i am finally afraid it wasn't a such good idea to tell it here, because it seems that the people who replied to this post don't like this way of being...they seem to prefer keep the idea that catacumbs is the private garden for cataphiles (people who love catacumbs), and that other people can't visit it, otherwise, they'll be smoked out!

Anyway, have a good time, people who wants to come, welcome!, people who don't want or who don't feel it, don't come, people who want to criticize, do criticize...and people who want to smoke us out...well...you're very smart!! (but if you don't want to come, it's even better for us : less dangerous and funnier!!)
See you, in good spirit!
®épute + ( o Y o ) = Vie \o/ F2R wiipuizent ----- Last night WWE and ponies saved my life

Messages dans ce sujet
Teuf ce soir à  la Plage, avec Paris Dernière - par Bhv - Jeu. 25 Nov. 2010, 16:05
Re: Teuf ce soir à  la Plage, avec Paris Dernière - par Farfadet - Jeu. 25 Nov. 2010, 16:45

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