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Under Genoa and Moscow.
Cheers! I'm back in Italy ...

I promised to the folks that came to meet me, that I'll post some photos of the places which I mentioned. Sorry that it took a while Smile
I'll just post some links to the photos I know to be online, maybe I'll post some that usually are not online, if I get permission from the authors.

Some of the known places under Genoa/Italy:http://www.openspeleo.org/openspeleo/index.php?mod=06_Artificiali

Under Moscow/Russia there would be LOTS of stuff, but the only public ones I found anymore are just some partypics. They tend to be a little secretive the folks there Sad
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.speleoastronomy.org/expedit/2004/index.html">http://www.speleoastronomy.org/expedit/2004/index.html</a><!-- m -->
Lantti a écrit :Under Moscow/Russia there would be LOTS of stuff, but the only public ones I found anymore are just some partypics. They tend to be a little secretive the folks there Sad
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.speleoastronomy.org/expedit/2004/index.html">http://www.speleoastronomy.org/expedit/2004/index.html</a><!-- m -->

This particular one is in the outskirts of Moscow.

More photo of the place (with outdoor pictures) here :


There is a famous river buried under the Moscow and Kremlin : Neglinka, and indeed many others underground networks.
vt a écrit :
Lantti a écrit :Under Moscow/Russia there would be LOTS of stuff, but the only public ones I found anymore are just some partypics. They tend to be a little secretive the folks there Sad
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.speleoastronomy.org/expedit/2004/index.html">http://www.speleoastronomy.org/expedit/2004/index.html</a><!-- m -->

This particular one is in the outskirts of Moscow.

More photo of the place (with outdoor pictures) here :

What kind of place is it? A natural cave?

vt a écrit :There is a famous river buried under the Moscow and Kremlin : Neglinka, and indeed many others underground networks.
Have you managed to visit it?

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