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Merci Cataphiles!
Gosh, it's nice to read your diary. After a while, we tend to take the place for granted and forget how exceptional it is. Thanks for reminding us of what it means to live the adventure of the first experience there. I'm also impressed by all the homework and research you did. Quite change, compared to all the spoiled kids who'd just go online and ask for a guided tour at the time of their convenience.
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Messages dans ce sujet
Merci Cataphiles! - par B3n - Mer. 05 Oct. 2016, 18:45
RE: Merci Cataphiles! - par Georges V - Mer. 05 Oct. 2016, 18:52
RE: Merci Cataphiles! - par TiPi - Jeu. 06 Oct. 2016, 08:45
RE: Merci Cataphiles! - par Bhv - Jeu. 06 Oct. 2016, 09:03
RE: Merci Cataphiles! - par KarlHungus - Jeu. 06 Oct. 2016, 09:12

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