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Partys and concerts in the Catacombs?
(Lun. 07 Mars 2016, 09:56)Freed a écrit : Hi, Somsguy, welcome here!
It's always a pleasure to see some people interested about french culture, even the underground ones.

Actualy i can't help you because i don't know when/where the party takes place, i can only tell you that you will need to know someone "inside", who's able to show you the way, to guide you inside the catacombs. You can't go by yourself because it's a dangerous and forbidden place.

Good Luck Wink

French or not, you have to introduce yourself in the right topic Wink

Messages dans ce sujet
Partys and concerts in the Catacombs? - par Somsguy - Lun. 07 Mars 2016, 03:53
RE: Partys and concerts in the Catacombs? - par Freed - Lun. 07 Mars 2016, 09:56
RE: Partys and concerts in the Catacombs? - par BiBi - Lun. 07 Mars 2016, 10:18
RE: Partys and concerts in the Catacombs? - par Beach - Lun. 07 Mars 2016, 12:41
RE: Partys and concerts in the Catacombs? - par BiBi - Lun. 07 Mars 2016, 13:10
RE: Partys and concerts in the Catacombs? - par saintloup - Lun. 07 Mars 2016, 14:07
RE: Partys and concerts in the Catacombs? - par Aga - Lun. 07 Mars 2016, 23:15

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