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Feeling and communicating the dark
On 4th October the exhibition «Siti Specifici: LUCE – BUIO» will be opened in Milan.

[Image: lucebuionews.jpg]

You’re referred to the official statement for what concerns the work, introduced by AEM Foundation and Academy of Fine Arts of Brera. This is certainly another nice occasion to see through places brimful of darkness, but of fantasy as well. It is also a way to let the youth approach the colorful hypogean world. I take this opportunity to thank the teacher Elena Busisi, for the involvement and enthusiasm she lavished dealing with this project.
Gianluca Padovan (Ass.ne SCAM – FNCA)
The poster
Aem Foundation and the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera

Aem Foundation and the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera
Siti Specifici

From 4th to 12th October 2011 the Aem Foundation will host, in its show centre of the facility named "Casa dell’Energia" - located in Piazza Po 3, Milan -, the exhibition named "Siti Specifici: LUCE – BUIO", showing works created by a group of students from the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milan.
The presented works come out from a selection in a teaching path, coordinated by Renato Galbusera and Elena Busisi, focused on research and discovery within the city of Milan following an unusual pattern, of hidden places, establishing a connection between two different realities that belong to different epochs, based on the subject "Luce – Buio".

"Luce" – Light: places with energy and modern structures, important places with and identity meaning, that benefited and now extend the economic, social and architectonic growth of the city, starting from first decades of the 20th century to nowadays.

"Buio" – Darkness: underground places, without light, that have been visited with the help from the skillful SCAM association speleologists.

Acquiring knowledge of the place, identifying traces from the past and the different purposes in different periods, analyzing architectonic, artistic and historical characteristics and connections between them, an opportunity to develop and embody the artistic researches gained within the Academy and to develop different languages has been given.

Exhibition opening: Tuesday, 4th October 2011, 6.30 P.M.

Duration: from Tuesday, 4th October 2011 to Wednesday, 12th October 2011
Opening time: from Monday to Friday, 10 A.M. – 12 P.M. / 2 P.M. – 5 P.M.

Casa dell’Energia – Piazza Po 3, Milano


02 7720.3442 <!-- e --><a href="mailto:info@casadellenergia.it">info@casadellenergia.it</a><!-- e -->

The poster

Aem Foundation and the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera

[Image: LuceBuioPercorsoRid.jpg]

by napoliunderground.org

Messages dans ce sujet
Feeling and communicating the dark - par OldNeandertalMan - Jeu. 29 Sep 2011, 12:41
Re: Feeling and communicating the dark - par Quoar - Jeu. 29 Sep 2011, 16:17
Re: Feeling and communicating the dark - par Quoar - Jeu. 29 Sep 2011, 18:52
Re: Feeling and communicating the dark - par Moronzola - Jeu. 29 Sep 2011, 19:14
Re: Feeling and communicating the dark - par Quoar - Jeu. 29 Sep 2011, 20:52
Re: Feeling and communicating the dark - par Quoar - Jeu. 29 Sep 2011, 22:21
Re: Feeling and communicating the dark - par Hérisson - Mer. 05 Oct. 2011, 17:34
Re: Feeling and communicating the dark - par Nomad - Mer. 05 Oct. 2011, 18:02
Re: Feeling and communicating the dark - par NeandertalMan - Mer. 05 Oct. 2011, 19:40

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