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Chicagophile looking for guide to tunnels down under
Al Jacobson a écrit :A response would greatly be appreciated. Thanks..Jake.


There's not much I can do to help you, I'm afraid, as I'm a total clueless newbie when it comes to UrbEx, but I wanted to tell you that this is a long weekend in France due to yesterday's bank holiday, and that would explain the lack of response to your message. If you're around for long enough, be patient - there are lots of helpful people posting here.

Good luck, and enjoy Paris.
"The sun hung in the sky like bloated orange, only a lot bigger, hotter and a little less orange." - bad analogy contest, 1997.

Messages dans ce sujet
Re: Chicagophile looking for guide to tunnels down under - par Menjy - Sam. 16 Août 2008, 09:20

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