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je me suis tres enteressant dans l'histoire des catacombs.

My French is not up to par, and by looking at this forum I can tell that I'm in for a bit of a beating :wink: but I figured I would at least try the cataphiles on this website for some help.

I am a 22 year old male from Boston, MA, and have been an avid explorer since I was 15. I have explored many places in the United States, and Canada, but my own personal "Mecca" besides Danvers State hospital, has always been Les Carrières de Paris. It is not only exploration which I love, but I'm also a bit of a history geek, and the catacombs... ah, the catacombs... what more can I say?

I have been now traveling / volunteering for 4 months, I have been to the Middle East as well as parts of Europe, and I must say that if I were able to even get a glimpse of the true catacombs, it would definitely be the best part of my trip... and possibly my life... I was put on this earth to spend a large amount of time down in those tunnels.

So, now that all the boring English droning is over, here's the point. I would be FOREVER grateful to whoever is willing to spend some time and show me around the catacombs. I don't think it would be very advisable to go down alone into 300km of tunnels without a guide, so if there is anyone reading this that wants to go down with me, please let me know. I am leaving Paris tomorrow, but I will be in Europe until June 15, and will be ABSOLUTELY willing to drop whatever other plans I have between now and then to be able to spend an hour, a day, a week, a month, fuck... a year down in those tunnels. P.S. the beer or wine and baguette is on me!

Salut et Merci!


P.S. I have uploaded two of my photos from past explorations just for shits and giggles.

Pièces jointes Miniature(s)

napole0ninrags a écrit :Danvers State hospital


This place is incredible !
Take a discution with him and don't think this is a tourist.
My english is too bad and i don't live in paris but it was interessing to make a round with these people.
If you want make a journey in south of France ( like Toulouse ... ) join me in MP.
Delenda est polis
Yeah, the second picture is great (what kind of place?).
Me too i'm not in Paris but Troyes north east. if you want to visit, send a MP.
If i understand you'll go in Middle east of Europe? Where?
See you.
As others have said the second pic is really great, makes me want to see more !
I would have greatly showed you some of 'our' galleries but unfortunately your schedule is way too short for me.
If you ever come back please don't hesitate to ask, I also have friends whose english you would appreciate better than mine Wink
Good luck in your trip !
Mini-administrator - F2R TLAV TMTS MDR DTC

"Mon travail c'est qu'il y a un max de pub autour de ckzone." - Moi
Nomad a écrit :I also have friends whose english you would appreciate better than mine Wink
Nah, your english is pretty good Smile

Only just read your post, Napoleon in rags, but if you make it back to Paris between now and the summer, drop me a line and I'll see what I can do.
"The sun hung in the sky like bloated orange, only a lot bigger, hotter and a little less orange." - bad analogy contest, 1997.
frank black a écrit :Yeah, the second picture is great (what kind of place?).
Me too i'm not in Paris but Troyes north east. if you want to visit, send a MP.
If i understand you'll go in Middle east of Europe? Where?
See you.

I was traveling in the Middle East, Israel and Egypt. The second photo is from an old paper mill in Upstate New York. Thanks for the visit offer! I'm trying to find a way back to Paris from Berlin... its not looking too hopeful with my money situation, but I will let you know as soon as I can. Thanks to all who replied! Happy exploring
napole0ninrags a écrit :I'm trying to find a way back to Paris from Berlin... its not looking too hopeful with my money situation, but I will let you know as soon as I can.

The cheapest way is to take a night bus. It's a pain in the ass, and you will suffer during 14 hours, but that's the price to pay for travelling low-cost. It's around 70 or 80 euros (approx. $100). The bus leaves from Messe Nord ICC, one station from Westkreuz.

Check out this website : <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://touring.de/index.php?id=2&L=1">http://touring.de/index.php?id=2&L=1</a><!-- m -->

If you got a bit more money to spend, you might give a look to easyjet.com. But take in consideration that Schà¶nefeld Airport isn't in the city centre, that you'll have to spent at least one hour at the airport, that the flight is two hours long, and that it takes a while too to get into the center of Paris once you've landed at Orly Airport. Short : You'll need six hours from Paris to Berlin, not just the two you'll spend in the air.

The night train between Berlin and Paris is exceptionally expensive, so that one is not an option.
Georges a écrit :it takes a while too to get into the center of Paris once you've landed at Orly Airport.

Déconne pas, il est sur la ligne direct pour Cité U!

Plus sérieusement, l'Orlyval c'est un luxe dont on se passe quand on n'a que peu de thunes. Et plus c'est lent (bus ratp normal + ligne 7) moins c'est cher. Sinon y'a bien la navette jetbus + RER C au pont de rungis, mais là  encore, c'est pas ce qu'il y a de plus rapide.
Georges a écrit ::mrgreen:

Plus sérieusement, l'Orlyval c'est un luxe dont on se passe quand on n'a que peu de thunes. Et plus c'est lent (bus ratp normal + ligne 7) moins c'est cher. Sinon y'a bien la navette jetbus + RER C au pont de rungis, mais là  encore, c'est pas ce qu'il y a de plus rapide.

Même avec de la thune. L'Orlybus, c'est moitié moins cher que l'Orlyval et très souvent plus rapide pour faire le trajet.

greuh, qui continue de prendre l'Orlybus (Orly<->Denfert Rochereau... c'est comme un signe, un appel, un symbole)
Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française : "Fornicatio : action de cintrer, voûte, cintre ... (de fornix : chambre voûtée [comme en habitait le bas peuple, notamment les prostituées])"
... Tu veux aller voir les fornications ?
So, I found a bus from Berlin to Paris for only 32 euro that leaves on tuesday, june 9 and arrives wednesday june 10 at 9am. If I came, I wouldn't have enough cash to spend on a hostel, so is anyone up for sleeping in the catacombs? If I don't make it to Paris this trip, I plan on taking a semester abroad, and in between my studies I will be up for exploring as much as possible.

P.S. Thanks to all of your replies, you have all been very helpful and willing.
napole0ninrags a écrit :arrives wednesday june 10 at 9am.
Bad timing : I'm going back to Berlin the 11th.

napole0ninrags a écrit :I wouldn't have enough cash to spend on a hostel, so is anyone up for sleeping in the catacombs?
Give a look to <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.couchsurfing.org/">http://www.couchsurfing.org/</a><!-- m -->
With a little luck, you'll find someone who's willing to be your host for a night or two. Smile

And here you'll be able to get in touch with people who are going in the underground of Paris now and then and who are willing to show you around.

Good luck ! Smile
(Dim. 31 Mai 2009, 12:40)Nomad a écrit : As others have said the second pic is really great, makes me want to see more !
I would have greatly showed you some of 'our' galleries but unfortunately your schedule is way too short for me.
If you ever come back please don't hesitate to ask, I also have friends whose english you would appreciate better than mine Wink
Good luck in your trip !


Ça fait un moment, hein ?

J'ai perdu l'accès à mon compte d'origine, mais je rentre à Paris la semaine prochaine pour deux semaines. J'espère toujours rejoindre un équipage pour un café ou un verre, et demander s'il serait possible de descendre dans les profondeurs. Comme vous pouvez le voir dans mon message il y a 14 ans, j'étais un explorateur passionné quand j'étais plus jeune, y compris "Danvers State Hospital" et d'autres grandes institutions aux États-Unis remplies d'amiante, et cela reste un rêve de passer un jour ou deux à explorer les catacombes.

Quant à moi maintenant, j'ai 37 ans, j'habite à Montréal et j'ai appris le français Smile

S'il vous plaît laissez-moi savoir s'il serait possible de se rencontrer entre le 17 et le 27 août. Merci!

(Lun. 01 Juin 2009, 13:01)Menjy a écrit :
Nomad a écrit :I also have friends whose english you would appreciate better than mine Wink
Nah, your english is pretty good Smile

Only just read your post, Napoleon in rags, but if you make it back to Paris between now and the summer, drop me a line and I'll see what I can do.

14 years later - I'm coming back to Paris! August 17th - 27th. Would you be down to meet up for a coffee?

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