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Date d’inscription : Mar. 24 Sep 2024
Date de naissance : Fri 01 Jan 1993 (31 ans)
Heure locale : Sat 28 Sep 2024 à 02:21
Statut : Hors ligne

Informations sur Solight
Inscrit le : Mar. 24 Sep 2024
Dernière visite Mar. 24 Sep 2024, 13:20
Nombre total de messages : 0 (0 messages par jour | 0 pourcent du nombre total de messages)
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Temps passé en ligne : 6 Minutes, 3 Secondes
Pouces donnés : 0
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Détails de contact de Solight
Site web : https://solight.co.za/

Informations additionnelles à propos de Solight
Sexe: Masculin
Emplacement: Cape Town, ZA
Biographie: Solar street lights provide you with many benefits over a traditional lighting system. When bringing grid power to a location is difficult or expensive, incorporating solar lights offers security and illumination in critical areas. An alternative grid is also appropriate when a business wants to show off its green drive. It is also suitable for companies that want to earn lead points for a new project installation. These outdoor solar lights are safe, secure, easy to install, and cost-effective at the same time. There are no trenches in the grid, no drop meters, and no electricity bills with these solar garden lights. Additionally, these will help you show off your garden even at dusk and in the early morning. Thus, with Solight's extensive selection of solar lights, you can save the cost and inconvenience of calling electricians.