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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.eetimes.com/sys/news/OEG20040129S0018">http://www.eetimes.com/sys/news/OEG20040129S0018</a><!-- m -->

TOKYO — Matsushita has developed a new dry cell battery with 1.5 to 2 times better performance than alkaline dry cell batteries.
"The Oxyride dry cell battery is the first breakthrough in 40 years when alkaline dry cells hit the market," said Yoji Kajikawa, president of the Primary Battery Co., part of Matsushita Battery Industrial Co. Ltd.
Matsushita demonstrated the new dry cell by running a car on two AA batteries. The two cells drove the 18.5 kg car with a driver for a distance of 1,200 meters, according to a Matsushita spokeswoman.
Using new materials for the anode along with new production processes, Matsushita claimed the battery provided twice the performance for applications like digital still cameras that require high electric current. According to Matsusita, its digital still camera took 315 pictures using Oxyride batteries compared t 144 frames with alkaline batteries. It took 5.74 seconds to charge a strobe light with Oxyride cells while it alkaline batteries took 9.29 seconds.
For applications using a small electric current such as MP3 players and portable headphone stereo players, the Oxyride performance of the Oxyride battery was less than 1.5 times better than alkaline cells.
Fully compatible with current alkaline batteries, Matsushita said it intends to offer both so consumers can buy them according to applications.
Matsushita will begin marketing new AA dry cells in April in Japan, eventually expanding sales worldwide. AAA cells will be available next spring.
"Though the applications that use rechargeable batteries are increasing, demand for dry cells is still strong because people can use them anytime, anywhere without worrying charging. We hope that the high performance Oxyride dry cell batteries will stimulate the emergence of new devices," said Kajikawa.
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