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Exploring Paris this November
Hi there,

I'm an American visiting Paris this November. I lived in the city 25 years ago, and looking forward to coming back. I've explored the tunnels at Cu Chi in Vietnam, the catacombs in Rome and Turkey, caves in Laos, the US, and China, steampipes in the US. I've also trekked in the Himalayas and the Sahara.

I also write for a variety of publications. You can see one of my articles here: http://www.businessinsider.com/is-youtube-doomed-2009-4

I'm hoping to explore the Paris catacombs for the first time this November. Happy to meet up with any other explorers.

You can reach me at bwayne (at) gmail.com.

All the best!
Hello Livingstone,

Beautiful collections of cave and underground, to your assets.
We are sometimes a little rough on this forum with the new. But if you want to be invited into the Parisian underground, I'm sure one or two photos of Laos, Vietnam will be welcome. Here, the sharing of information frees the tongues.
I enjoyed meeting you but I am now in south of France. I wish you a pleasant stay in Paris and I hope you find your happiness.
La nature hait l'uniformité et adore la diversité. C'est peut être là  que se reconnait son génie. B. Werber.
Thanks Roum. It's a great suggestions. I'll definitely dig up some photos. Cu Chi is wild - the tunnels are so narrow you can barely crouch, and most of the way you have to go on hands and knees through the dark. Highly recommended!

Hope we'll get to meet another time. What part of the south are you in? I lived in Antibes for a short time, and I have a good friend in Vence who I see every couple of years.

Thanks for the welcome and the recommendation.


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