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1° International SpeleoMovie Web Festival

Napoli Underground and the National Federation of Artificial Cavities present the first:

"1° International SpeleoMovie Web Festival"

[Image: speleomovieweblogonews.jpg]

Entries are now being accepted for the premiere web video showing of collected speleological documentaries and video footage from around the world during the month of November, 2010, which will be webcast on the WebTV Napoli Underground Channel near the end of November.

FESTIVAL DETAILS - Exact festival show dates will be announced sometime in October as entries and scheduling is firmed up, and those entries who provide a 3 minute trailer of their video will have their trailers in promotional rotation on the NUG TV Channel prior to the festival dates . . . each Festival broadcast day will feature the showing of three SHORTS, (unedited videos) and one CLASSIC (long form edited video.)
We have a general discussion forum in English for your comments, ideas and anything related to the SpeleoMovie Web Festival. Just take a moment first to register on the Napoli Underground web site as a member and as the festival screenings start please join in the ongoing discussion. Your comments in English may may be made HERE IN THE FESTIVAL FORUM.
Any general questions or comments may also be directed to info@napoliunderground.org

PARTICIPATION - The Festival is open to everyone with no limit placed upon entries.

ENTRY CATEGORIES - There are two entry classifications:
The first category is "Speleological Shorts" for unedited video no longer than 20 minutes.  It is requested that, if possible, entrants in this category also provide a short 3 minute or less edited trailer with highlights of the video for pre-festival promotional broadcast as well. First, Second and Third place winners will be judged by votes cast by web viewers.
The second category is "Classics of Speleology" and will be feature completed, edited documentaries showing the beauty and fascination of both natural and/or artificial caverns. "Classics" will most likely have already been released for viewing by their producers. This category is open to those who would like the free exposure of their work on Napoli Underground to continue the entertainment and education of the viewing public about speleological exploration.

PARTICIPATION SPECIFICS - Last date that entries will be accepted is October 30, 2010. Entry mailing address and particulars will be supplied by contacting Fulvio Salvi via email info@napoliunderground.org

TECHNICAL DATA - Video entries must be in common digital format such as MP4, flv and such and the video file, as well as trailer, should copied to a DVD for mailing to Fulvio Salvi via regular post. Again, contact Fulvio via email info@napoliunderground.org for mailing address and any other details. All entries must contain printed information stating Name of Video, Name of the Cave, grotto, or underground cavity and its geographic location as well as a brief paragraph describing the site with details and highlights of the exploration as seen in the video.


1. The video must conform to existing laws for film or video content and exhibition; the video remains the sole property and responsibility of it author and producer.

2. The video materials sent to Fulvio Salvi and Napoli underground remain the single and sole property of its author and producer.

3. Each entry must have a simple signed statement by the author and/or producer giving permission for web broadcast on the web site, napoliunderground.org

4. napoliunderground.org has as its sole intention the web broadcast of the Festival videos for cultural and educational purposes with no commercial use in any form whatsoever.

FINALLY FOR OUR ENGLISH SPEAKING FRIENDS - as English language films and their trailers are received, (and we are already getting some great stuff in English) and ultimately scheduled for festival broadcast on our WebTV Napoli Underground Channel all English Language videos and short film trailers will be easily located ...
English Language videos, trailers including those with English subtitles are listed below, and will be updated as new entries arrive.

Il mistero di San Nilo
Hidden worlds: underground Rome

LARRY RAY Nug Translator

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