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Bourse D'Echanges de Chabinais
Good day out although all i brought was a Golf GTI Book, lots of good, great, cool and rubbish to look at my pics of todays event can be viewed here as their are to many to stick in a post..

buts here's a sampler

[Image: lrg-11891-29sq0043.jpg]

Janine likes the Matra Rancho so many one of these could be arriving at our house soon..

[Image: lrg-11923-29sq0049.jpg]
[Image: lrg-11889-29sq0041.jpg]
[Image: lrg-11861-29sq0009.jpg]
[Image: lrg-11848-26s69995.jpg]
[Image: lrg-11837-26s69982.jpg]
[Image: lrg-11802-26s69942.jpg]
Franco-Oldtimers - chateaux and urbex

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