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In Paris in Spring/Summer
Salut! Je suis désolé, mais mon français c'est terrible. J'espère il n'est pas grossier pour écrire ceci en Anglais.

Also, my English spelling is terrible, so please forgive that!

my friend and I are taking a gap year (so we are both 18/19) and are travelling around the World. We are flying out to China on Monday! From there we cross China, Russia and into Europe where we will tour around.

Beautiful Paris is, of course, on our destination list.

Now, I've been to Paris before; and I've seen to Eifel tower, and all the wonderful cathederals. I've been to the artists' quarter; and everything else a tourist does.

But this time I don't want to just be another gawking kid tourist, thronging around and buying stupid trinkets from African men under the tower; I know Paris has more hidden beneath her streets! I don't want to be a tourist, I want to be a visitor!

My friend and I would really love it if we could find someone to show us around the Paris catacombs. As you can see, I'm very passionate (it took me a while to dredge up my secondary-school French, I want to make an effort though), and so is my friend, and we are very curious. We can pay as well; it would be worth it for a proper look at Paris.

I read all about the Catacombs at Infiltration.org, and I did a lot of research before deciding that there's no way I'd try something like that without a guide; I want to be a safe and responsible visitior (apart from the 60E fine if we're caught. I think it was 60E).

Anyway, this post has become very long; if anyone can help us that would be terrific. As I said, I have (very) limited French, and my friend has none; but I'm willing to make an effort!

Je suis désolé; mon Français est mauvais.

Messages dans ce sujet
In Paris in Spring/Summer - par hobowill - Lun. 13 Mars 2006, 15:48
[Pas de titre] - par H - Lun. 13 Mars 2006, 16:46
[Pas de titre] - par Alzimut - Lun. 13 Mars 2006, 17:46
[Pas de titre] - par H - Mar. 14 Mars 2006, 00:20
[Pas de titre] - par G-Squad - Mar. 14 Mars 2006, 00:38
[Pas de titre] - par hobowill - Mer. 15 Mars 2006, 17:13
[Pas de titre] - par Spyou - Jeu. 16 Mars 2006, 14:13
[Pas de titre] - par Alzimut - Jeu. 16 Mars 2006, 14:56
[Pas de titre] - par G-Squad - Jeu. 16 Mars 2006, 17:47
[Pas de titre] - par KTA'LBATOR - Jeu. 16 Mars 2006, 22:15
[Pas de titre] - par hobowill - Ven. 17 Mars 2006, 19:57

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