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Australian Cave Clanner in Paris (July)
My name is Simon / Quantum-X, I am in Cave Clan Australia.

I am coming to France again this year, in July, and will spend 1-2 weeks in Paris.

Last time I was in Paris I did not get to explore, but I am really, really excited to explore this time.

If you would be able to spare some time for me to show me around, I would be greatly indebted.

My website is <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://quantum-x.ice.org">http://quantum-x.ice.org</a><!-- m --> - and my email is <!-- e --><a href="mailtoConfusedimon@ice.org">simon@ice.org</a><!-- e -->

If you like, you can reply in french and I will translate.

Messages dans ce sujet
Australian Cave Clanner in Paris (July) - par quantum-x - Lun. 09 Mai 2005, 11:58
[Pas de titre] - par le G.O - Lun. 09 Mai 2005, 13:37
[Pas de titre] - par quantum-x - Dim. 15 Mai 2005, 01:29
[Pas de titre] - par quantum-x - Dim. 15 Mai 2005, 01:30
[Pas de titre] - par Ethaniel_187 - Dim. 15 Mai 2005, 10:59
[Pas de titre] - par celpif - Sam. 21 Mai 2005, 14:20
[Pas de titre] - par nellok - Mer. 25 Avr. 2007, 02:06

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