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Bonsoir cataphiles: Seeking acolytes to explore with
My friend and I are from New York. I am 21 and he is 24, and we have just graduated from university. I am traveling in Europe between June and July, and my friend is traveling between June and August. We can be in Paris any time but we are starting our trip in Warsaw. We want to explore the catas.

We are both urban explorers and photographers. I would describe us as perhaps somewhat inexperienced but eager. We explore mostly at our university, which is very old and has lots of secrets. Here are some of my photos: https://postimg.cc/gallery/3difngh8o/

We have done our research and are prepared to explore by ourselves. However, we feel it is better with friends.

We offer:
  • Beer or wine; your choice
  • Some food too
  • Friendship, humor, ideas, and good cheer
  • A place to stay if you come to visit New York

We know that this community does not welcome outsiders. We understand the desire to protect what is sacred. We assure you that we will be respectful of the space.

We are not looking for a tour. Just some friends and fun. We do not speak French. I do speak Spanish, though, if that matters. Please reach out! Merci!


Messages dans ce sujet
Bonsoir cataphiles: Seeking acolytes to explore with - par AutomatonSwan - Dim. 02 Juin 2019, 18:26

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