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Salut Urban Cowboys
Salut Urban Cowboys!

I though I'd just come here and introduce myself... I might have met a few of you down before or maybe I met you fucknig up up up in some other random place. I'm that random guy with the moustache that sticks out like a Cigale and who you might think "mais il parle anglais? Et il est ici? Qu'est-ce une Cigale Bizarre!"

I was born in
Melbourne, this city is where I started to explore the hidden world. Hit
up the MPS a number of times and fell in love with strange rusting
steel objects. Rusting objects gave way to secret rooftops and
underground villas. In 2010 I moved to Paris and it was
inevitable that sooner or later I would end up underground, about 30m
inside the Carriéres de Paris. Time between trips shortened until I only popped out for
supplies before heading back underground to explore the forgotten world
of the city and day trips became night trips which became camping

Amusement parks, carriéres, power stations, rooftops, these are a few of my favourite things...

La Cigale

PS. And concidering this is the English section, and I've viewed what most people post here, I will pre-empt your reply. I am not a guide. I am not a map. I will not take you to the Carriéres, nor tell you where to get in, no provide you with any information. I did it the hard way and unfortunantly you will have to do it that way too. I'm here to meet other people that enjoy what I do.

[Image: 7336375850_d4780bc3bd_z.jpg]
[Image: 7811190860_deb51a2325_z.jpg]
[Image: 7752713270_6b62266290_z.jpg]
[Image: 7949157182_112e4cc3b0_z.jpg]
--Y'a des cigales dans la fourmilière, et vous n'pouvez rien y faire--

Messages dans ce sujet
Salut Urban Cowboys - par LaCigale - Dim. 09 Sep 2012, 16:10
RE: Salut Urban Cowboys - par 13or - Dim. 09 Sep 2012, 18:26
RE: Salut Urban Cowboys - par LaCigale - Dim. 09 Sep 2012, 23:47
RE: Salut Urban Cowboys - par E-ver - Lun. 10 Sep 2012, 12:57
RE: Salut Urban Cowboys - par LaCigale - Lun. 10 Sep 2012, 13:12
RE: Salut Urban Cowboys - par Sorce - Lun. 10 Sep 2012, 13:31
RE: Salut Urban Cowboys - par LaCigale - Lun. 10 Sep 2012, 14:39
RE: Salut Urban Cowboys - par E-ver - Lun. 10 Sep 2012, 17:25
RE: Salut Urban Cowboys - par Abdul El Razad - Lun. 10 Sep 2012, 14:17
RE: Salut Urban Cowboys - par Bhv - Mar. 11 Sep 2012, 09:00
RE: Salut Urban Cowboys - par Zoko - Mar. 11 Sep 2012, 22:19
RE: Salut Urban Cowboys - par la_gargouille - Mar. 11 Sep 2012, 10:09
RE: Salut Urban Cowboys - par LaCigale - Lun. 17 Sep 2012, 18:55

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