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Exploring Paris this November
Thanks Roum. It's a great suggestions. I'll definitely dig up some photos. Cu Chi is wild - the tunnels are so narrow you can barely crouch, and most of the way you have to go on hands and knees through the dark. Highly recommended!

Hope we'll get to meet another time. What part of the south are you in? I lived in Antibes for a short time, and I have a good friend in Vence who I see every couple of years.

Thanks for the welcome and the recommendation.


Messages dans ce sujet
Exploring Paris this November - par Livingston - Lun. 31 Oct. 2011, 18:53
Re: Exploring Paris this November - par Roum - Mar. 01 Nov. 2011, 09:09
Re: Exploring Paris this November - par Livingston - Mar. 01 Nov. 2011, 18:57

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