Jeu. 30 Dec. 2010, 11:52
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Citation :101m CNF! I wasn't entirely happy with the surfacing on my last dive (it was completely valid, and a white card performance, but I did have a small samba), so this morning I went a meter deeper and made it look better on the surface!
Project Hector is over, and what a ride it's been - thank you all for you your support! Story and photos to follow!
En gros il explique qu'avec son record de 100m il était pas très content à cause de sa samba au retour en surface, donc il a décidé de recommencer direct, avec 1m plus bas... Donc 101m ce coup ci, plongée parfaite. :roll:
la vidéo : <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->