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Planning a trip in December! Now for the research...
Hey guys!

I'm a brit explorer from London, done a drain and an underground river - and a few other underground bits and pieces; yet really looking forward to getting out there to Paris! (Don't worry, I'll be bringing a phrasebook! Tongue)

I have a copy of the nexus map, and may also be getting a copy of a map from another forum with a local on. I know roughly about the "Grand Entrance", on "La Petite Seinture" - and that its quite close to the official entrance. I've also heard about "Villa du Bel Air", however - I'm not sure how much truth there is to that!

Obviously, It's hard to recce somewhere when you're in a different country! So I was just wondering if there was anywhere to go for the latest gossip and details?

Also, I am planning the trip for December - at the moment, we're looking at 3 nights; if anyone wants to join us and help us out for our first time! I hope to make regular trips afterwards and perhaps trust my own navigation after I've done it a couple of times guided!

Thanks in advance! Smile

Messages dans ce sujet
Planning a trip in December! Now for the research... - par Moddy - Dim. 19 Sep 2010, 13:32

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