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greetings from poland - www.opuszczone.com
just want to say, your website and explorations are great and amazing.
In my town, there is less and less site which are open.
There is some but it's small sites (compare to your last exploration on your site! huge place!!!)

Messages dans ce sujet
greetings from poland - www.opuszczone.com - par humantree - Dim. 23 Mars 2008, 02:07
[Pas de titre] - par Key - Dim. 23 Mars 2008, 03:23
[Pas de titre] - par humantree - Dim. 23 Mars 2008, 03:40
[Pas de titre] - par frank black - Dim. 23 Mars 2008, 10:15

Utilisateur(s) parcourant ce sujet : 1 visiteur(s)