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GRS: Chateaux Ceiling
It is absolutely safe, all you need is to avoid this place at a very precise moment sometime in the future.

The whole street (A. Daudet) is in a similar state altough everything is standing still at this time so you needn't worry too much.
Enjoy it before it becomes a target of the IGC...

"Races, its my true passion. No I'm joking, my true passion is about getting blow jobs but I can't really say that on TV"
(Lobster Sharif)

Messages dans ce sujet
GRS: Chateaux Ceiling - par paulo999 - Mer. 23 Août 2006, 21:38
[Pas de titre] - par spacefab - Jeu. 24 Août 2006, 01:15
[Pas de titre] - par paulo999 - Jeu. 24 Août 2006, 21:47

Utilisateur(s) parcourant ce sujet : 1 visiteur(s)