
Version complète : Urbex Rio de Janeiro
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Hello every one, I'm an urbexer from Paris and I'm going to Rio de janeiro. I would like to know if there are some things to see in Rio de Janeiro like train rails, metro, rooftops, unhabited places. I don't want the location of the spots, but just names, or if for exemple it is simple to go into the metro, places like that.
Of course I'm open, in the PM, to discuss the locations of good spots in exchange I could give you some indications of Spots in Paris and its surroundings.
Première réponse de google :

Et si tu reviens avec ce type d'image, on pourra te respecter

voire même te répondre en anglais.

(Mer. 21 Sep 2016, 12:35)Bhv a écrit : [ -> ]voire même

tu es donc de ceux qui manient cette horreur... pouah!