
Version complète : Passe-Muraille Damaged?
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Pages : 1 2
c'est une idée oui...

mais ça voudrait dire qu'on jette à  la benne ce qui est encore sauvable...
ce serait domage, quand on peut encore retrouver (ou presque) l'état originel...

Oxs a écrit :You're welcome ! Wink

Tik a écrit :Indeed.

lack of vocabulary !
ya ain't nothin to say

From what I can see, since 2006 when this threat was last active, the Passe Muraille has been smashed, rebuild and smashed again. I think there have been 5 large reconstructions. The last one being a complete rebuild from scratch in a different area. You can see all about it and see a video over here :

But I wonder, do we know who has broken him in the past? Is it just drunk people? Or are there other people bent on the destruction of the man who walks through walls?
Pages : 1 2